Montag, 31. März 2008

Science Parliament by Aachen

Europe energised – Will lights go out in 2050?Aachen, 09/10 - 10/10/2008

About ESP
Welcome to the Web Portal of the European Science Parliament (ESP).The ESP is a new project of the City of Aachen and RWTH Aachen University aimed at bringing together professionals and laypersons from all over Europe to discuss current topics of European importance – regardless of borders, backgrounds and age groups.
This year’s main topic will be “energy” – a topic concerning every single one of us. Do you always take the car? Do you save energy? Do you ask yourself, how long our energy feedstock will last?
Europe energised – Will lights go out in 2050?
Interchange information with the whole community about the topic. Ask questions, formulate statements or propose solutions for the problems related to energy.

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