Freitag, 13. Juni 2008

[Elearning-info] Einladung - FRIDAY LECTURE - Antonio Monteiro dos Santos, 20. Juni 08, 11:00 - 12:30

Sehr geehrte eLearning-Community,
Wir möchten herzlich zum nächsten Vortrag im Rahmen der FRIDAY LECTURESeinladen:
Antonio Monteiro dos Santos (Center for the Studies of the Person, SanDiego, CA)"What Does Learner-Centeredness Mean in Higher Education?"
Die Veranstaltung findet in Kooperation mit dem Research Lab EducationalTechnologies, Universität Wien, statt.
Zeit: Freitag, 20. Juni 08, 11:00 - 12:30 UhrOrt: Lehrentwicklung, Porzellangasse 33a (Eingang Ecke Fürstengasse), 1090Wien Weitere Informationen:
Bitte Mehrfachsendungen zu entschuldigen.
Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Mit freundlichen GrüßenBrigitte Kossek Brigitte KossekLehrentwicklungUniversität WienPorzellangasse 33aA-1090 WienE ++ 43 1 4277/12056

Montag, 31. März 2008

Science Parliament by Aachen

Europe energised – Will lights go out in 2050?Aachen, 09/10 - 10/10/2008

About ESP
Welcome to the Web Portal of the European Science Parliament (ESP).The ESP is a new project of the City of Aachen and RWTH Aachen University aimed at bringing together professionals and laypersons from all over Europe to discuss current topics of European importance – regardless of borders, backgrounds and age groups.
This year’s main topic will be “energy” – a topic concerning every single one of us. Do you always take the car? Do you save energy? Do you ask yourself, how long our energy feedstock will last?
Europe energised – Will lights go out in 2050?
Interchange information with the whole community about the topic. Ask questions, formulate statements or propose solutions for the problems related to energy.

Samstag, 26. Januar 2008

A discussion topic on the role of Open Learning for Sceince & Society for sustainable world.

A discussion topic on the role of Open Learning for Sceince & Society for sustainable world.

You can relate the concept of "Science & Society" with Sustainable Development starting from Wikiversity & (v.s.) Open Learning.

* Science & Society (STS on Wiki)
* Wikiversity
* Open Learning1. Open University in UK
2. CNED in France
3. FernUni Hagen in Germany
4. UniNettUno in Italie
5. UNED in Spain
6. МИМ—ОУ in Russia
7. Open University in Japan

And, you set the diffrent research questions for Trans-cultural Interdisciplines with different Open Learning System. For example ;
1. Life Long Learning of World Heritage with ICT for under-developping countries at Open University UK
2. Biodiversity and Millenium Water Assessment and innovation of the Human Activity at CNED
3. Monetary Enginnering for Labor Mobility Management and/or Equal Chance in Social Class at FernUni Hagen
4. Art-Design-Technic and Social Entrepreneurship for cultural conservation at UniNettUno
5. Sustainable Tourismology with Millenium Eco Assessment at UNED
6. New emerring Organizational Behavior for Business strategy at МИМ—ОУ

[thesis] : prove and defend it if possible, explain if not possible.
How can these be interdisciplinary approaches so that they make a synergy between each others, the different disciplines, the different languages with their learning systems ? What can you set for the methodology ? Does this need the mobility and/or career assessment program for the knowledge of life long learning ? Does Wikiversity help it for anything ? How do you find them sustainable compared to the existing ways ?

Here is the group for Moving Around Research Inc. - Using CEDEFOP/Training Village.
Please join us and enjoy the group.


Dienstag, 1. Januar 2008

[studiVZ] FernUni Hagen

FernUni Hagen - Magister Soziale Verhaltenswissenschaften
FernUni Hagen - Master - Formierung der europäischen Moderne
Fernuni Hagen - Politik & Organisation - WS '08/09
FernUni Hagen - Studienzentrum Lüdenscheid
FernUni Hagen - Sz Studienzentrum Herford
FernUni Hagen Psychologie - SZ - Neuss